.By Jamie Wadman
Hi, first off thank you for visiting my site, if you have been here before you may have noticed
some recent changes. This is because I am now doing different things and felt it appropriate to have this site evolve with
me. I have just started working with a couple of pro boxers whom I will talk about on this site and any upcoming fights they
might have. Two fighters I have been working with recently are Matthew Barney and Peter Mcdonaugh, I will be helping
them with their diet and fitness, be sure to check out any updates about them on this site. Their will soon be pages on this
site dedicated to both boxers so keep an eye out. Hope you enjoy your visit and please let me know if you have any questions
or comments regarding this site. Be sure to sign my guestbook before you leave, check it out on the Froch vs Barney page.
Whenever a boxer tells me he runs 4-5 miles a day three days a week my first response is why?
Boxers don't need to be going on such long runs, it is as simple as that. It is 80% anaerobic and only 20%aerobic so
why should aerobic exercise take around 50% of a boxers training regime?
Boxing is a hard, fast and explosive sport in every sense of the word and this is how training should be, you don't play
boxing if you don't want to get hurt!
Short, but very intensive exercises and drills should be the primary source of any training programme with the stop start
emphasis that comes with a bout. In this site I will talk about different routines and drills the boxer can use to enhance
performance as well as diet and regular fitness tips for those who need it. Enjoy
If you have any questions regarding training, nutrtion or anything else than please contact me by filling in the form.
I answer ALL e-mails.
This site is far from finished i will be changing things all the time for a while, but trust me it
will be worth it!
Train hard, train smart, and fight easy